
Blog Insurance

Impact of Digital Transformation in Insurance – A Measurement Paradox?

Digital transformation in the insurance sector is often touted as the solution for boosting operational efficiency, customer satisfaction and financial performance. Yet, at a recent conference, a spea...

Insurance AI and ML
Blog Insurance

Unlocking the Future of Insurance with AI and ML

The insurance industry, known for its cautious approach, is on the brink of a major revolution. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) promise to streamline processes, enhance decision...

Blog Insurance

The Role of Analytics in Modern Insurance

Insurance has always been an analytics business. At the core, an insurer’s ability to set premiums, maintain reserves and meet capital needs is rooted in actuarial analysis. To accurately price risk f...

long-term care insurance
Blog Insurance

Evolving Long-Term Care: From Traditional Models to Tech-Enabled Solutions

The US long-term care (LTC) and, more specifically, the long-term care insurance (LTCI) sectors are going through a massive shift. Consumers, care providers and insurers are all under financial pressu...

Blog Insurance Technology

Think Big. Start Small. Incremental Modernization for Insurance.

Increased competition and customer expectations are pushing insurers to accelerate their modernization efforts. Traditionally, a platform or system modernization is one large initiative executed over ...

autonomous vehicle insurance
Blog Insurance

Liability in Flux: New Paradigm for Auto Insurance

The innovation around self-driving, autonomous vehicles is at a crossroads. Late last year, Cruise, GM’s autonomous vehicle subsidiary, paused all driverless operations following an accident. More rec...

Blog Insurance

Who is the Next Generation Insurance CIO?

Being an insurance CIO is one of the toughest leadership roles in today’s world. From reducing risk, to ensuring compliance, to budgeting, CIOs have always had many responsibilities. However, the chal...

Blog Insurance Technology

A First-Timer’s Perspective on ITC Vegas 2023

ITC Vegas is one of the largest conferences in the insurance industry, boasting over 9,000 attendees and 500+ sponsors. As a young marketing professional who had never traveled for business before, at...

Insurance Technology

Digital Transformation and the Digital Divide in Insurance

The term “digital divide” was coined in the mid-1990’s by consumer groups who were concerned that the growth and spread of the Internet would lead to those who had access to the Internet, and those wh...

Data Architecture Insurance Technology

Effectively Optimizing Data In Insurance

Insurance has always been a data-driven business, from ancient waybills recorded on papyrus under the Code of Hammurabi, to the charters of the first property insurers after the Great Fire of London. ...

Insurance Technology

Digital Life Insurance for a Digital World

For any life insurer, future success means resonating with demographically diverse generations of new consumers where they live—and that’s increasingly in a digital world. For those fans of the early ...

Cloud Security
Blog Cloud Healthcare Insurance Technology

Understanding the Cloud: Cost, Security and Management

Over a decade ago, the technology world was a bit different. Web forms were the standard, databases were relational, and clouds were aloft in the sky. Since then, the industry has adopted new patterns...