X by 2 Hosts MCWT ConnectNet Panel to Share Insights on AI for Women in Tech
On May 16, X by 2 had the pleasure of hosting a Michigan Council of Women in Technology (MCWT) Quarterly ConnectNet panel titled “Beyond the Hype: Navigating the Opportunity Cost of Generative AI.” MCWT members and guests were invited to attend the discussion led by X by 2’s Mitch Quinn, Director of AI/ML, and Samir Ahmed, Principal, Insurance Market. Insurance technology leader Maria Binning served as moderator.

The evening began with networking in the X by 2 home office followed by a 45-minute panel discussion. MCWT Program Manager Lauren Daniels welcomed the audience and outlined MCWT’s mission. Senior Consultant Jessica Wu spoke to X by 2’s technology consulting capabilities and approach before introducing Maria Binning, who kicked-off the panel.
Panelists discussed the uses, benefits and challenges of implementing generative AI compared to supervised learning, an approach that may be overlooked due to generative AI’s current advancements. Among the topics evaluated were ethics and equity, primarily within the healthcare and insurance sectors, as well as the data challenges and societal impacts AI technologies present. Panelists explored real world examples and project experience to highlight the impacts and risks companies must consider when creating an AI strategy.

“It really helped articulate a lot of the confusion that’s out there about AI,” Binning said when asked about her experience on the panel, “It brought a lot of clarity and hope for the future of AI and demonstrated how X by 2 and other experts can be a part of that conversation.”
Questions on AI’s future, ethics, compliance and impact on the workforce were discussed during the Q&A session. Panelists continued to answer questions from audience members in the networking area.
“I think the conversation was amazing,” said Daniels after the event, “Hearing about the past and future applications of generative AI and supervised learning is helpful for us as women to find where we belong in the industry, where job opportunities are or how we can get involved and influence the growth of this emerging field. I think that’s very important for women at this point in AI’s development.”

The insights shared, connections formed and knowledge gained emphasized the value and importance events like these can have for women in technology. X by 2 is proud to support MCWT’s mission of creating a more diverse and equitable workforce.
To learn more about MCWT and their mission to make Michigan the No. 1 state for girls and women in tech, visit mcwt.org.
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