Healthcare Articles

Cloud Security
Blog Cloud Healthcare Insurance Technology

Understanding the Cloud: Cost, Security and Management

Over a decade ago, the technology world was a bit different. Web forms were the standard, databases were relational, and clouds were aloft in the sky. Since then, the industry has adopted new patterns...

IT Consulting

Welcome to the Era of Existential IT

In just a few short years, information technology has gone from tactical, to strategic, to existential in nature. IT departments are well-accustomed to dealing with the pressure that comes with delive...

Data Models
Data Architecture Healthcare Insurance

How to Rework Insurance Data Models

Efforts to rework existing data models come down to the very same question that is asked for reworking most existing systems: retrofit what exists or start over with a clean slate? It’s a non-trivial ...

Architecture Healthcare

Why Worry About Business Architecture?

Many companies are engaging in large transformation initiatives with the goal of not only modernizing their technology but also creating a more efficient workflow that is powered with better technolog...

Healthcare Technology

How Healthcare Organizations Can ‘Pay Off’ Technical Debt

Technical Debt—also known as Design Debt or Code Debt—is a concept in software development that reflects the implied cost of additional rework caused by choosing an easy solution now instead of using ...

Data Architecture Healthcare

Using Analytics For Healthier Encounters

It’s no secret that a new business model has been emerging for the healthcare industry over the last several years. From its early days at the end of the previous century, the Managed Care model has s...